Counter-Offers! Big Yes or Big No?

Counter-Offers! Big Yes or Big No?

You decide to move on from your current position and inform your employer you’re leaving. unexpectedly, you receive a counter-offer. Yes, your employer tempts you to reconsider your resignation, typically with a salary increase or promotion.

This tactic is often used to keep high-performing employees from leaving a company. When navigating a counter-offer, there are many things to consider. Here are some tips:


1. Have an open conversation with your manager/employer

Take time to discuss the exact terms of the offer. This is the time to press on any little details you may want to know. Be honest and open. If a company requires you to resign in order to offer you what you believe you deserve, is that really a company you want to work for? Understanding why the employer wants you to stay and how this offer would benefit you in the long run is important for your career.

2. Speak to your Recruiter

If you’re working with a Recruiter, share the counter offer with them. Recruiters can share their professional advice with you and help you break down the details. They can also coach you to determine if career advancement or money is your main motivation in accepting or rejecting a counter-offer.

3. Reconsider why you wanted to leave in the first place

Were you leaving due to a lack of career progression or growth at your current organization? Did you not enjoy the workplace culture? Did you hate the commute? There might be a number of reasons why you decided to look for a new role in the first place and it is important to circle back to that list to see if accepting a counter-offer is simply a Band-Aid over the bigger issue. Consider where you stand with your employer if you were to accept.

There is a possibility that accepting a counter-offer can cause a shift in relationship with your employer. Your job security may be at a potential risk as employers may question your commitment to the company. If you accept a counter offer, keep in mind that your employer will not usually just forget this. If they need to do layoffs in the future, you might be at the top of the list.


There are pros and cons to taking or rejecting a counter offer. Are you seeking to make more money? Are you hoping to find new opportunities for development? These questions are a starting point to ensure you make the best decision for you.

It is okay to be scared of taking a new route. But don’t let that fear dictate whether you accept a counter offer. Instead, focus on your career goals and where you can best reach them.


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